Thursday, August 4, 2011

30 Day Ace Meme- Day 3

3. How old were you when you realized you were asexual? What made you realize it?
This many.
I've always known on some level but I was in denial for a very long time. I just assumed that I was some weird-o freak and that none of my relationships would ever work out because we'd always be wanting different things. To be honest I just thought that my childhood broke something in me and that it was never going to be fixed.
But the first time I ever had a word for what I was was not very long ago. Sometime this year, I know. This summer. You could probably guess about the time I found out from my blog since I did post a thing about it when I did find out. So there give or take a few days.
For a while I thought that I couldn't possibly be ace because I didn't fit every singe criteria on the info page but it felt so right and perfect that I just sort of knew that that's what I was. I don't think I have language enough to describe the relief I felt at finally being able to put a word to what I was and know that there were others out there like me.

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